
Bugelny prosthesis can be made in five, four, three and even two visits. The number of stages depends on the complexity of the clinical case, the design of the clasp prosthesis. In five clinical stages, the clasp prosthesis is made as follows: on the first visit the doctor removes three impressions - two workers and one auxiliary, in order to cast the model one by one and make a wax pattern with bite ridges to determine the central ratio of the jaws to the second visit, and On another
print a model will be made, which will be used to conduct parallelometry and subsequently cast the arch of the arch prosthesis. In the second visit, the central proportion of the jaws is determined by the wax method (with the second class of defects in the Bethelmann dentition and a small number of teeth that remained under the arch of the arch prosthesis). In the third visit the doctor checks and fixes the skeleton of the clasp prosthesis, the fourth - checks the design of the clasp prosthesis. In the fifth visit - pripasovanie and the imposition of a clasp prosthesis. It is possible to reduce the number of clinical stages to four, due to the fact that in the presence of a sufficient number of antagonist teeth and their favorable location (with 1 and 2 group of defects in the Bethelmann dentition series), fixation of the neutral position of the mandible with respect to the upper jaw is carried out using gypsum Method, that is, gypsum blocks (at the present stage - silicone blocks) in the first visit. At the present stage, when methods for manufacturing clasp prostheses have been improved, the number of clinical stages is three or even two. If the clasp prosthesis is manufactured in three stages: the first visit removes the working and auxiliary impressions and fixes the neutral position of the lower jaw in relation to the upper one with the help of silicone blocks, the second - the check and fit of the clasp prosthesis, and the third - the fit and overlap Clasp prosthesis. Modern technology of casting a skeleton of a clasp prosthesis makes it possible to make a prosthesis in two visits, even without checking the carcass. Also, the manufacturing of the clasp prosthesis depends on the type of the supporting and supporting part. The above described refers to the fixation on the support-retaining clamps. If the support-retaining part is attachment, telescopic or beam system, the non-removable part of the prosthesis with the patrician is first manufactured, and then the detachable part is made with a matrix. Now we will examine in more detail each clinical stage. In the first visit, the doctor must remove the full anatomical impressions for the manufacture of prostheses using a well-known technique. Care must be taken to select the impression material and the size of the spoon. The choice of the imprint material is influenced by the condition of the mucosa of the prosthetic bed. Incorrectly selected size of an impression spoon or mass can lead to a number of typical errors, in particular, to the delays of the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the mouth and, as a result, to obtain a shortening of the vestibular border of the basis of removable prostheses, which reduces their functional qualities and worsens fixation. For each type of prosthesis, there are certain requirements for impressions. First of all, the choice of this or that impression depends on the topography of the defects in the dentition. So, for defects in the dentition, which are limited by the
distal support (III and IV Kennedy), one can confine ourselves to anatomical impressions that are removed with standard impression spoons, while with defects without a distal support, it is desirable to obtain a functional impression in order to have an accurate impression A distal site. This impression is taken with an individual spoon. When taking an impression from the working jaw, it is preferable to use silicone impression media, and an auxiliary one can be removed with alginate impression media (it is better not to use such impression materials for the print because they shrink by more than 1.5% within 1 hour). Models for the fabrication of prosthetic bridges should be cast from high strength gypsum. In order for the occlusal surface of the teeth on the model to be parallel to its base, it is necessary that the bottom of the spoon be parallel to the plane of the table on which the model is cast. The height of the model should be at least 4-5 cm. The time of solidification of such a gypsum is about 8-10 minutes. The lateral surfaces of the model are cut so that they are perpendicular to the plane of its base. Such processing is necessary for further study of it in a parallelometer and duplication. If the first occlusion is impossible to determine the central occlusion, then the same working silicone impression is casted with one more model for making a wax pattern with bite rollers.

Последнее изменение: Среда, 15 мая 2019, 12:42